Update July 2019

Update July 2019

I am trying to create and maintain a project portfolio with an accompanying blog. This has proven to be more difficult than I had imagined.

Here’s what’s up:

  • I’m about to study Computer Science at Penn State as a graduate student. It’s been a dream of mine to study CS and I can’t wait. Classes begin 25th August. Woop-woop :)
  • I spent June 2018 - 2019 as an intern. To call it a privilege would be an understatement. I worked on Text Classification, Named Entity Recognition and Robot Process Automation. All of this was in the Life Sciences domain. Learned so much.
  • I am currently in Switzerland enjoying a much needed vacation. It’s not all play though - I am prepping myself for graduate studies. Brushing up Math and reading some books. I am also trying to make it a habit to read scientific literature.

Also, I must add, Jekyll looks fantastic as a static blog renderer.