
Written by Parth on
The code repository can be found here.

PennConnect is a full-stack social network built from scratch. It was an attempt in collaboration with my teammates at using a graph database in combination with a conventional RDBMS to capture data and relationships between the users on the platform.

It supports the following functionalities:

  • Sign in and Sign out sessions
  • A user-specific news feed
  • UI for profile, groups and events
  • The ability to create, view, edit and delete comments
  • Authentication for users
  • Schedule events
  • Create, view, edit and delete users, posts, events
  • Friend and unfriend users
  • Search for users, groups and events
  • Upvote and downvote posts
  • Analytics for administration

We used an Azure instance with a LAMP stack to deploy the web application. Just to make things more interesting, I used a dynamic DNS (DuckDNS) so that I could have a unique URL on the internet. The architecture is shown here:

Architecture Diagram

Here are a few screenshots:

Login Page: Login Page

News Feed: News Feed

Analytics Page: Analytics Page